Nicholas T. Davis was born in 1962 in Sodus, NY and has lived most of his life in Syracuse, NY. He graduated from Bryant and Stratton College in 2001 and has an Associate’s Degree in Paralegal Studies. He worked in a psychiatric hospital for 26 years as a cleaner and has a wife and daughter from a previous marriage.
     His love for science fiction started as a child growing up with shows like Star Trek, Lost in Space, The Outer Limits and Twilight Zone. His favorite authors include the works of Arthur C. Clarke, Robert Henlien, and Issac Asimov.
     His love for fantasy was strongly influenced by the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, and Richard Adams.
His novels include “The Dimension Lapse” and “Bargo Lynden” series, as well as three children’s books. When he isn’t writing, Nicholas is also an artist and musician, and enjoys camping, traveling, making music, singing karaoke, and life.

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