RETURN TO DOOMSDAY Angelica Avery is an astronaut and research scientist who travels through space and time to find her father, Physicist and geneticist scientist Dr. Louis Avery, AKA Akros. She meets Balta, an evil dictator who is determined to rule the galaxy, and the survivors of his wrath on the deserted planet of Tolaria. Cely is her trustworthy android, who assists her in survival. Jeff Walker is a former Martian, and a celebrated hero of the Republic of Peaceful Civilizations, and about to be married to his fiancé, Lori Anderson, on his home planet of Ventros. Together they must defeat Balta and his alliance before he regenerates his race with clones, and recreates a powerful weapon. Angelica discovers things about her father that she never dreamed possible, and begins to realize he wasn’t the man she thought he was. Join the ordeal that Dr. Louis Avery's daughter, Angelica must face to find out the truth about her father, and the man known as Jeff Walker. Her voyage sends her to far away worlds, tyrannical leaders, mind reading aliens, and brutal, savage customs. Can she stop an evil, diabolical monster from destroying everything her father worked for? Find out in the next edition of the Dimension Lapse series. $30.50 ONLY AVAILABLE ON LULU CURRENTLY AUTHOR PRICE ADD $6.00 SHIPPING WITH ALL ORDERS.

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Bridgett B. reviewed Dimension Lapse II: Return To Doomsday (Volume 2)

book 2 in the series October 18, 2016

This is book 2 in the series. Angelica Avery is an research scientist who travels through space and time to find her father, Dr. Louis Avery. On the journey she meets Balta, who wants to rule the galaxy. Angelica and Jeff must defeat Balta. Along the way Angelica discovers things about her father, and begins to realize he wasn’t the man she thought he was. Will they defeat Balta before it to late? Grab these books and find out.